New Alliance White Paper Describes Purchaser-Led Efforts to Improve Health Care Value

Study Finds High Rates of Low-Value Care, But Hospitals Disagree

Racial Disparities in Low-Value Surgical Care and Surgery Scheduling in High-Volume Hospitals
A recent study aimed to better understand processes of care that contribute to racial disparities in clinical outcomes examined differences in the utilization of low‐value surgical care and surgical delays between non-Hispanic black women and non-Hispanic white women. Findings suggest that in high-volume hospitals, non-Hispanic black women have higher rates of delay, but are less likely to undergo low-value surgical procedures compared to non-Hispanic white women.

Adverse Events and Hospital-Acquired Conditions Associated With Potential Low-Value Care in Medicare Beneficiaries

Prioritizing High-Value, Equitable Care After the COVID-19 Shutdown: An Opportunity for a Healthcare Renaissance

Three Key Considerations for Building Successful Health System Leader and Researcher Partnerships

Association of Low-Value Care Exposure With Health Care Experience Ratings Among Patient Panels

Use of Evidence and Technology to Improve Quality and Eliminate Low-Value Care
One-third of health care in the United States is wasted. Despite this recognition, solutions are sparse. In a recent AJMC article, Dr. Kenneth Cohen of Optum Care announced the Optimal Care model, a program designed to propel health care transformation through the use of evidence-based medicine, patient-centered technology, and outcomes reporting.

Webinar: Lessons from the Field: Building Organizational Resiliency to Deliver High-Value Care in the Time of COVID
In this webinar accompanying blog, Sarah Millender highlights lessons experts from across the healthcare field have learned about building organizational resilience, recovery, and capacity during COVID-19. She emphasizes the need to re-design our health systems around high-value care, equity, and more stable payment structures. (AcademyHealth Blog: S. Millender) (March 2021)

How Waste in Healthcare Can Be An Asset in APMs
There is a lot of avoidable waste in the basic delivery of care, but this waste is actually an asset for alternative payment models (APMs). Unlike the fee-for-service model that discourages eliminating waste and low-value care because it loses money, APMs can get paid to eliminate that same waste and improve healthcare quality, says health economist Michael Chernew, PhD, professor of healthcare policy at Harvard Medical School, and chair of MedPAC. In a timely interview with APG President and CEO Don Crane, Chernew talks about the premise of his recent JAMA article, “A Path Forward for Alternative Payment: Build a Portfolio Not a Garden.”

Tweet/Tiktok: Cardiac Clearance
Will Flanary, an ophthalmologist, writer, and comedian who moonlights in his free time as “Dr. Glaucomflecken,” has become a leading voice in ophthalmology and healthcare on social media. Blending humor with education, Dr. Glaucomflecken informs audiences on a wide range of topics – watch this TikTok for his take on unnecessary cardiac clearance prior to cataract surgery.